Hello Jane, thank you! What I’m hearing you say is that in communication, the non-verbal aspect is just as important, it’s not fair to only reveal yours. I agree with you. May I add to that a possibility, these women have never thought of this factor, because nobody has ever told them? You might be surprised by the outcome, if you approach them with curiosity and open heart and share this bit of your belief about communication and facial expression. In most of my personal experience, many of them not only show their faces (in private spaces where stranger men are not roaming around)but also extend invitation to their home and share their family, food, and life stories. It turns into a gift exchange beyond facial expressions. People are so different, covered or uncovered, some are eager to open up and connect, some want to be left alone, and most people are somewhere in between. I encourage you to try. Especially when they are your neighbors, what is there to lose?